Beiträge von Berghutze

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch Dark Looters! Ihr habt es euch echt verdient. Aber auch Respekt an OneHive. Hätte nicht erwartet, dass es so eng wird.

    Einige Fragen bleiben aber noch: Habt ihr was vom Kuchen abbekommen? Oder wurde er von PowerBang alleine vernascht?

    Und wer bekommt die goldene Pekka-Statue?

    Dark Looters: Euch gibt es erst seit einem Jahr in der FPC? Wtf! 8|

    @alle: Wie habt ihr eigtl euer "Basebuilding" geregelt? Habt ihr einzelne Personen, die für alle Layouts bereitstellen? Oder ist jeder selbst für sein Layout verantwortlich?

    Glückwunsch Dark Looters :)

    Jetzt holt euch gefälligst auch den verdienten Titel :D

    Golden Goblins wurden soeben aus der CWL verbannt und verlieren auch ihren Spot für die CWL-Invite. 3mal dürft ihr raten weshalb.... ich zitiere einen CWL-Admin:

    "——————————— Golden Goblins Ban Announcement ———————————

    After discovering that a player (Caesar) from Golden Goblins was modding during the MCWL playoff finals match, the admin team has been actively investigating the situation to determine if the situation was a single closet or systemic to the clan itself.

    After reviewing all of the evidence as well as interviewing several key members and leadership, we have determined the following: Caesar has confirmed that he did mod and has done so for about a month. AJ, King D, and Winterburn were involved in attempting to cover it up and will also receive bans. Since some members of GG leadership were involved in the cover up, the clan will receive a ban.

    The bans are as follows:

    1. Golden Goblins has a season ban and will be removed from CWL Invite
    2. Caesar is banned indefinitely for modding in CWL
    3. AJ, King D, and Winterburn are banned for a season (including membership in Invictus Prime)

    The remaining leadership in GG have told us that they have taken steps to remove these people from their family, and thus dual membership with GG will be permitted as long as they move forward as a fairplay clan.

    If anyone has any questions about this, please feel free to let us know. The investigation was thorough and we appreciate the assistance from everyone involved.

    Finally, a replacement clan will be needed to take GG's place in invite. We are currently reviewing replacement candidates and will follow up when that decision has been made. Reseeding will be necessary and the schedule will likely change.



    Es wurden 32 Clans eingeladen. Genauso, wie bereits in Season 1.

    Da ich noch keine Liste gesehen habe, wer genau alles dabei ist, kann ich nichts zu den Teilnehmern sagen

    post scriptum: da war smithers wohl etwas schneller :P