Das Statement der cwl Admins im Wortlaut:
As announced on Friday, a more detailed investigation has been underway with regards to the modding activities in the clan b3astmod3. Based on the full investigation, the team has come to the conclusion that the cheating issues in b3astmod3 are widespread, and leadership is involved. Therefore, the only option we have is to ban b3astmod3 from CWL participation.
As previously announced, evidence has been found of burner clans with at least eleven Clantanemo Bay bases built during the CWL war last weekend. Deflo/Marco has admitted to have built those and hit 6 of those bases from three accounts. As we gathered information, we learned that many of the accounts are shared between members and leadership of b3astmod3. Also, the leader of b3, did at least four successfull attacks on built bases from two accounts. While it's impossible for us to prove exactly who did each attack, we feel that we cannot write this issue off as a "lone wolf closet modder," especially when looking at the number of bases bult and the number of shared accounts within the clan (several of which belong to leadership).
Aside from the removal of the clan from the CWL, the following people/accounts are also banned from participating in the CWL: Deflo/Marco, Amir3th, Opgamer11880, Painmaker, Fips:) and OpTiMus_PRIME.
Due to the clan's removal, we hope to announce a replacement clan shortly. As for the week 1 war between b3 and OH2.0, we do not have evidence of modding in the war, but at the same time it's hard to assume that it was a fair war. Therefore, OH2.0 will be offered to replay that war vs the clan that takes over b3s spot in invite.
We want to stress that sharing accounts is always connected with a risk and it is not a valid excuse to get away from all accountability.
Denke da gibt es nicht sehr viel hinzuzufügen.